题目:Networked ControlSystems: A Time-Delay Approach
报告人:Pro. EmiliaFridman from Tel Aviv University
In the present talkthree main approaches to sample-data and network-based control will bediscussed. A recent extension of the time-delay approach to networked-controlsystems will be demonstrated, where variable sampling intervals, communicationdelays and protocol scheduling are taken into account. Also event-triggeredcontrol will be mentioned.
Emilia Fridman received the M.Sc.degree from Kuibyshev State University, USSR, in 1981 and the Ph.D. degree fromVoronezh State University, USSR, in 1986, all in mathematics. From 1986 to1992, she was an Assistant and Associate Professor in the Department ofMathematics at Kuibyshev Institute of Railway Engineers, USSR. Since 1993 shehas been at Tel Aviv University, where she is currently Professor of ElectricalEngineering Systems. Her research interests include time-delay systems,networked control systems, distributed parameter systems, robust control,singular perturbations and nonlinear control. She has published more than 100articles in international scientific journals. She is the author of themonograph Introduction to Time-Delay Systems: Analysis and Control (Birkhauser,2014). In 2014, she was nominated as a Highly Cited Researcher by Thomson ISI.Currently, she serves as Associate Editor in Automatica and SIAM Journal onControl and Optimization
题目:Stabilizing Gamma/Poisson-distributed delays: a Lyapunov-basedanalysis
In this talk, aLyapunov-based stability analysis of linear continuous-time systems withGamma-distributed delays and linear discrete-time systems withPoisson-distributed delays will be presented. In both cases, the correspondingsystem without the delay as well as the system without the delayed term are notnecessary to be asymptotically stable.
刘坤,北京理工大学3200威尼斯vip副教授、博士生导师。2013年1月毕业于特拉维夫大学工程学院,获工学博士学位。2013年2月至2015年6月在瑞典皇家理工学院电子工程学院从事博士后研究工作。2015年6月至2015年7月在法国国家科学院系统分析和结构实验室(CNRS-LAAS)以访学学者身份从事研究工作。2015年7月至2015年9月在香港大学机械工程系担任研究助理。研究兴趣主要包括网络化信息处理与控制、模型预测控制、时滞系统、多智能体系统等。发表英文论文近40篇,其中,9篇论文发表在国际控制顶级期刊IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control、SIAMJournal on Control and Optimization、 Automatica 和Systems & Control Letters。论文被总引近700次,单篇最高被引用190次,h-index、i10-index均为12。